QIAxcel Advanced System

Catalog No: 9001941
The QIAxcel Advanced System offers a broad range of optimized applications for DNA and RNA analysis and is highly suited for research in academic as well as pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and biomedical laboratories. Preprogrammed methods, in combination with the corresponding gel cartridges, allow separation and analysis of a variety of nucleic acids — including single or multiple PCR fragments, DNA digested with restriction endonucleases, synthesized oligonucleotides, total RNA, and cRNA.

The QIAxcel Advanced System has been used for applications such as:

  • Bacterial genotyping
  • PCR fragment analysis
  • Pre-sequencing testing
  • Mutation detection
  • Detection of food allergens
  • Quality control of genomic DNA
  • Total RNA and cRNA QC for RT-PCR and microarray analysis

To get to know more about this product please visit this link: https://www.qiagen.com/us/products/instruments-and-automation/quality-control-fragment-analysis/qiaxcel-advanced-system/#productdetails

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