QIAsymphony AS/SP

Catalog No: 9001297
For fully integrated automation of complete workflows, from sample preparation to assay setup
  • Innovative, easy-to-use modular system with built-in touchscreen.
  • Purification of DNA and RNA from a wide range of samples
  • Automatic transfer of eluates to the QIAsymphony AS for assay setup
  • Continuous sample loading, with bar code reading for sample tracking
  • Import of sample lists and export of sample sheets

With a dedicated range of QIAsymphony Kits, the QIAsymphony SP enables sample preparation of DNA, RNA, and bacterial and viral nucleic acids from a wide range of starting materials. The QIAsymphony AS extends the capabilities of the QIAsymphony SP by integrating automated PCR assay setup, which, in combination with the Rotor-Gene Q and QIAGEN real-time and end-point PCR kits, enables you to optimize your PCR workflow and maximize your efficiency.

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