Small Size Fully Automated Chemistry Analyzer


Small size fully automatic chemistry analyzer

Chemistry analyzer introduction: overall performance

Equipment type: fully automatic discrete, stat priority

Analysis rate: constant speed 160t/h (without ISE)

Test principle: calorimetry, turbidimetry analysis method: end-point, 2 kinetics, fixed-time, etc. Support single/double wavelength, linear and non-linear calibration

Sample system

Sample tray: 42 sample positions, random access of all samples

Sample volume: 2-50ul, 0.1ul increment sample probe: liquid level detection, the remaining detection, collision protection etc.

Sample containers: sample cups, micro tube, original blood-collection tube, etc reagent system

Reagent tray: 25 reagent positions reagent volume: r1:25-300ul, r2:10-150ul, 0.1ul increment

Reagent probe: liquid level detection


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