QIAstat-Dx Analyzer

Catalog No: 9002813

Product Details

The QIAstat-Dx Analyzer, combined with QIAstat-Dx assay cartridges, uses real-time PCR to detect pathogen nucleic acids in human biological samples. The QIAstat-Dx Analyzer and cartridges are designed as a closed system that contains on board all necessary reagents, enabling hands-off sample preparation. Detected real-time amplification signals are interpreted by the integrated software and are reported via an intuitive user interface.

Available panels utilize powerful QIAGEN sample and assay technologies, to deliver a true Sample to Insight solution.

QIAstat-Dx Respiratory Panel: qualitative test to analyze 20 targets for common pathogens causing acute respiratory tract infections


  • Intuitive workflow with less than one-minute hands-on time
  • All wet and dry reagents onboard and room temperature stable
  • Utilizes real-time PCR to deliver results with Ct values and amplificatio curves
  • Comprehensive qualitative results available in about an hour
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